Agathe Singer



Agathe Singer is a French illustrator based in Paris. She studied graphic arts at Duperré and Penninghen before working as a graphic designer. Over time she developed a passion for gouache and began to paint. Inspired by artists like Matisse, Le Douanier Rousseau and Frida Kahlo, she was drawn to creating worlds of vibrant and imaginary flora. Themes of femininity, beauty and nature often dominate her bold, colorful work, making it the perfect fit for clients in the fashion, textiles, interior design and cosmetic sectors. Her client list includes M le magazine du Monde, Atelier Cologne, Snapchat, Gucci, Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse, Anthropologie and Dr Jart.

"Lush flora and wild fauna mesmerizes me."

Anything adults told you to avoid that’s actually a big part of your life now?

When I was 14, we had to pick a major at school for the last two years before graduating. I was drawing and painting all the time at home, and loved to read too, so I decided to pick literature and art. My main teacher told my parents there were no work opportunities in art or books and that I had to go into science and mathematics. I remember being so confused by the idea of finding opportunities in something I completely disliked. I’m so happy she was so wrong and my parents were always so
supportive of their kids doing what they loved.

Any person who really helped you in your awesome artistic journey?

I had an amazing drawing teacher in my first years in art school. She was both fun and terrifying, and I still can hear some of her scathing/witty advice when I paint. She had a very classic view on art, but though my work isn’t technical or academic at all and I still can’t draw a proper perspective, I know she gave me solid guides to build my own personal work. I’m very thankful for that.

What was your favorite thing to draw as a child? Why did that lodge in your head?

When I was a child, we had a beautifully illustrated book that told the tale of God creating the earth in six days, and then wandering in Eden on the seventh day. It showed very lush flora and wild fauna that was mesmerizing to me. I later discovered the work of le Douanier Rousseau and its jungles. Jungle and hidden animals in wild nature have always been my favorite things to draw.

Morning bird or night owl?

I used to be both, with a lot of energy to work early and late, but now with two kids I feel I’m mostly tired all the time!

How does creativity run in your family, even if it’s not design-related?

When I was a kid, my mum used to draw a lot, and loved making objects for us with my dad — clothes, toys…. When I was about 10 they started a business of hand-making illustrated magic lanterns for kids. I helped them to cut colored paper and design new characters and stories. That creativity, craft and curiosity that surrounded me as a child was really precious. I’m so happy to see my daughter having so much fun too, creating and building little things for herself.