Make it, Share it, Win it, Love it!
I once compared the many strange and awesome layers of Blue Q to a Bloomin' Onion. I was really proud of that one.
It didn't matter though, because I was quickly outdone in the Food As Metaphor category by the incomparable Amy Poehler. In her book, Yes Please, she likens warm, accessible, transparent people to open-faced sandwiches. Now that is good.
I don't know if I'm warm, but I'm definitely transparent. Do you think I could pass as a room-temperature crostini? Nothing too messy, but let's be honest, nothing too refined either. I'd probably be made of something sturdy - maybe a baguette or bagel chip?
How about you? What kind of sandwich are you?
Instagram* a picture of yourself, in sandwich form, and tag it #bqsandwich. Extra points for telling us why. On May 1 we'll pick our 5 favorites, highlight them on our blog and send off a goodie bag straight from Blue Q Headquarters in Pittsfield, Mass.
So lay down some bread and start stacking!
*We will also accept submissions in the form of posts on our Facebook wall and emails to hello@blueq.com.