Make Way for Sheep

Make Way for Sheep

In Other News:
Thank you for helping us make a difference

Thank you for helping us make a difference

It’s Giving Tuesday!
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The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

As you might expect we go for style not speed.
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In the Garden with Bridgette

In the Garden with Bridgette

We're getting our hands dirty, together.
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Did you know that Blue Q is about 85% run on solar power? It’s true! We’ve got panels on our office roof and a whole field of them at the warehouse! It’s great being so self-sufficient and environmentally responsible, but there’s a catch: we still need to mow the grass around the solar panels. Not only is it super wasteful and counterproductive to run the mower over all that land, it’s not easy getting in and out of the panels’ framework. So we’ve been hatching a plan with our good friend Jon Piasecki.

Jon is an amazing stoneworker and landscape architect. And if that wasn’t enough to keep him busy, he’s also the proud farmer of a bunch of pigs, a flock of chickens, a donkey, and a herd of Soay Sheep, a native Scottish breed that’s super hearty to our area. Which got us thinking… what if we could get those sheep to hang out around our solar panels and take care of the mowing for us?!


Well, the trial started today! John brought over four of his special sheep and let them have at it. We’ll give them a few days and see how they do, and if they seem happy here we’ll invite them - and maybe a few of their friends - back in the spring and summer to graze. If their first five minutes of voracious munching is any indication, Blue Q and these cutie-patootie sheep will have a very happy future together.

In Other News:
Thank you for helping us make a difference

Thank you for helping us make a difference

It’s Giving Tuesday!
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The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

As you might expect we go for style not speed.
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In the Garden with Bridgette

In the Garden with Bridgette

We're getting our hands dirty, together.
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