The Reviews are In! Contest Winners Announced!

The Reviews are In! Contest Winners Announced!

In Other News:
Thank you for helping us make a difference

Thank you for helping us make a difference

It’s Giving Tuesday!
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The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

As you might expect we go for style not speed.
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In the Garden with Bridgette

In the Garden with Bridgette

We're getting our hands dirty, together.
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It’s no surprise. You came, you browsed and you conquered the review section of like the amazing, creative, wacky and wonderful people that you knew you were. Only now, we’ve got proof!

Raise a glass to the winners of our First-Ever In The History Of Blue Q Blue Q Review Contest! Each winning submission will receive a big, honking bag of Blue Q goodies!

1. Philippa Stoddard, Hoo's Next Pencil Case

2. Joyce Teixeira, Fuck This Shit Socks

3. Greg Di Loreto, I Don't Like You. Said No One Ever Soap

4. Sarah Aitken, Wash Away Your Sins Liquid Hand Soap

5. JIll Billions, Fat Cat Coin Purse

But here’s the thing. Picking just 5? Well, that was too hard for us. So we put together a couple more honorable mentions who will also receive some goodies for their Pulitzer-worthy efforts...


6. Lynne Dalgleish, Stay Away From Assholes Socks

7. Fluffy Sheep! (I'm not sure, but I think that's a handle.),Origami Red Zipper Pouch

8. Megan Tepe, Bird Pencil Case

9. D D H., Thanks For Scooping My Poop Hand Sanitizer


10. Gwen LaRue, You're Kind Of A Dick Gum

Again, congratulations to the winners, and thanks to every single person who entered. Really, you’re all winners in our book. Sorry, too corny? Too bad.

In Other News:
Thank you for helping us make a difference

Thank you for helping us make a difference

It’s Giving Tuesday!
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The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

The 3rd annual Westside Super Soap Box Derby

As you might expect we go for style not speed.
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In the Garden with Bridgette

In the Garden with Bridgette

We're getting our hands dirty, together.
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